So said the founder of the online task management system that has literally transformed my life and business.
Asana is one of the best free tools I'll ever used to simplify my projects, help me plan my days and weeks, manage my team & organize my business.
It is also one of the easiest systems to get started on, thanks to a super clean and intuitive interface and will immediately help you become more productive and in control.
A Complete Overview to Getting Started With the Basics of Asana:
*Five Ways to Use Asana to Minimize Your Daily Effort
*Six Strategies to Use Asana to Make Your all Meetings Massively Effective
*5 Unique Ways to Use Asana for Projects and Scheduling Plus there are a wealth of examples and screenshots from how our team uses it, especially Cher who’s the master ninja of Asana.
What you will really need to do with Asana:
The sooner you start using it, the more easily you will transition into making it a part of your every day life, and it will be especially useful when you start hiring a team–like life-saving.
But when you first start to use it, like any tool, it can be a little confusing to know how to get the most out of it and be more efficient
Above all it's important to know that using a tool like Asana requires that you and your team commit to learning how to use it and make it your key tool.
Asana has an amazing advanced search system where you can see a number of useful things that all of which can be saved for future use by pressing the star symbol.
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