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Friday 5 January 2018




A few days ago I was asked about why painting is good for you and the reasons why an elderly person should take painting lessons into consideration as a positive activity for them. I thought this was an interesting question and an excellent topic for my blog. 
One would think that the first reason is because it gives pleasure, at least that is why I paint! Being able to do what one wants provides great satisfaction. 

After a little more meditation and research from a psychological, social and medical point of view, I have found many more benefits for the physical, mental and spiritual body not only of children but adults as well. Since I mostly teach adolescents and adults, let me summarize the information in this way


Art makes us more human; it helps us to communicate in a different, personal language. This is a great benefit for all people and mainly for those who have conditions with a lack of communication or problems expressing themselves such as: shyness, autism and other disabilities. 


Working in a non-competitive, relaxed environment (the teacher plays a major role here) will enable the student come closer to greater personal achievements; this will strengthen his/her individuality and self-esteem.


Learning to hold and handle a brush and/or pencil will help regulate the hand movements and stimulate brain connections at the same time the skill is being developed. In elderly people, painting helps them strengthen their fine motor skill. 

Concentration and Healing

People who immerse themselves several hours painting or creating something enter a purer area, in a very strong state of concentration; they abstract themselves from their surroundings and time passes by without noticing it. Physical pains fade away; it is almost like entering another dimension without leaving our body. This concentration state is called Alpha; one part of the brain is conscious and the other pulls the unconscious out. 

Mental Health

Painting helps us get distracted from our problems; it helps us take anguish out and transform it in something nice, which is given a title. This helps us identify the feelings and increase our expression capabilities. This is especially significant for people with nervousness, mental conditions (like schizophrenia) or people going through an emotional imbalance like a break-up who use the visual expression to achieve catharsis. 

 Brain Activity

Drawing and painting stimulate both the left and right brain hemispheres. The first deals with the rational, logic elements and the second one maximizes our creativity and emotions. Painting is helpful during the growth and development stages of children as well as in adulthood when it is very valuable to fight illnesses like Alzheimer. Painting boosts imagination; the imagination of Alzheimer patients, whose memory starts to vanish, is strengthened

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